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For other uses, see Waller (disambiguation).

"The United States is in the business of saving the damn world by any means necessary."
―Amanda Waller to Rick Flag, Sr.[src]

Amanda Blake Waller is a morally ambiguous government operative affiliated with A.R.G.U.S., as well as the founder and supervisor of the recently defunct Task Force X, the Creature Commandos and 11th Street Kids. She is also the estranged mother of Leota Adebayo.


Early Life[]

Director of A.R.G.U.S.[]

"I thought Congress put a stop to all Task Force X activities since your daughter outed you."
Rick Flag, Sr. to Amanda Waller[src]

Amanda Waller recruited Task Force X on a mission to destroy all records of Project Starfish on Corto Maltese. Eventually, Waller's daughter Leota Adebayo made her underhanded operations with Task Force X publicly known, discrediting Waller's reputation.[1]

Crisis in Pokolistan[]

Introducing Task Force M[]

Waller and Flag Sr

Waller and Rick Flag, Sr. watch Circe's attacks on Pokolistan on television

"This is your new task force, Flag. Lets call it Task Force M. M for monster. Also known as... Creature Commandos."
―Amanda Waller to Rick Flag, Sr.[src]

While working at Belle Reve, Waller and Rick Flag, Sr. watched GBS News on television reporting on the violent attack on Pokolistan orchestrated by the Sons of Themyscira led by Circe, who claimed to be the rightful heir to the nation's throne. Outraged by the attackers' behavior, Waller advised Flag of the urgency of the situation as Pokolistan was an ally of the United States, leading him to the elevator while explaining how Pokolistan was valuable since the alliance between the countries was based on oil, and how Princess Ilana Rostovic was already negotiating the delivery of oil to the United States.

Waller and Flag entering to Belle Reve

Waller and Rick Flag, Sr. enter to Belle Reve non-human division

Upon reaching the elevator, Flag told Waller that he believed that Congress had stopped Task Force X's activities, to which she told him that Congress's regulations were limited to human activities, entering the access code and scanning herself to enter the monitoring facility, surprising Flag who was shocked to see the monsters. Waller then introduced Flag to the non-human division of Belle Reve prison and how for years only the highest levels were aware of its existence, mentioning how they were not human, they could bypass the congressional restrictions.

Waller monitoring the team

Waller introduces the prisoners to Rick Flag, Sr.

Waller proceeded to introduce the members to Flag, explaining that she did not know the origin of the Bride, then introducing Doctor Phosphorus by mentioning his radiation powers, and explaining how Weasel was one of the few survivors of the Corto Maltese mission, apologizing to Flag for reminding him of his son's fall in said operation and lamenting his loss. When Flag pointed out G.I. Robot as a dishwasher, Waller told him how that robot had killed over 300 Nazis in World War II, then finally introduced Nina Mazursky, telling him how she was the smartest of the team as they walked down the stairs to approach the members.

Flag and Waller on the elevator

Waller opens the prison entrance

As Waller opened the entrance to see the prisoners, Phosphorus, the Bride, and Weasel rushed to attack her; however, she used the Nano-Bomb Remote Detonator to electrocute them in order to stop them, also electrocuting G.I. Robot and Nina Mazursky in the process. Handing her detonator to Flag, Waller finally let him know that they were her special force, which she called Task Force M for monsters, also known as Creature Commandos. As they left through the hallway, Waller told him that there was already an Osprey waiting to take him directly to the castle and protect Rostovic from Circe.[1]

Circe's Interrogation[]

Flag, Waller and Economos

Economos, Flag Sr, and Waller interrogate Circe

"So, what now?"
"We find a leader who's less whiny, little bitch, and more just bitch."
John Economos and Amanda Waller[src]

Following the Battle at Poko Castle, the team defeated Circe, traveling back to Belle Reve, and Waller ordered her locked in the interrogation room to speak with her, with John Economos and Rick Flag, Sr.. accompanying her, watching as the guards sat her in her chair against her will, presenting herself to her. However, Circe asked about her charges, and Waller was sarcastic by telling her that she was being prosecuted for a first degree in Witchie-poo and a second degree in Maleficent, leading Economos and Flag to mention a third degree for Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus, but Waller corrected them as it was the actress' name and not the character's.

Waller talks to Circe

Waller hears Circe claim to be able to see premonitions

Circe threatened to kill Waller, but she told her that she understood that she couldn't cast spells, questioning why supervillains were always so sexy, asking Economos if he liked that, which Economos found a bit thirsty. Waller asked her what she was doing in Pokolistan, and Circe excused herself by claiming that she was trying to prevent a catastrophe, but Waller only saw charges for murder and assault in her files. Circe told Waller how she could show her the future, which was backed up by Economos who read the files that claimed she was possibly clairvoyant and that even though she was bound, she could get inside her head, but Flag warned her not to.

Waller shocked by Circe's vision

Waller reacts with horror to Circe's visions

However, Waller proceeded to enter the chamber with Circe, where Flag and Economos soon observed the encounter closely. Circe then used her powers to get into Waller's head, showing her a dark future where Princess Ilana Rostovic and her guards conquered Earth transforming it into an apocalyptic wasteland, seeing numerous superheroes slaughtered, which left Waller traumatized. Waller quickly returned to Flag and Economos, and Flag desperately asked her what she saw, suggesting that she was mind tricking on her, however, Waller claimed that it was legitimate, which Flag flatly refused to believe. Waller did not hesitate to call Dr. Aisla MacPherson, who after analyzing Circe determined that she was legitimately clairvoyant, claiming that she predicted a tsunami on Themyscira, becoming less altruistic.

Waller orders Bride to be appointed as the new leader

Waller orders Bride of Frankenstein to be appointed as the new leader

After she claimed the vision was genuine, Waller asked Flag to assemble Task Force M to kill Rostovic, angering Flag, who questioned the doctor's veracity, but Waller explained how she was specialized in Themyscira and asked Economos to contact the Pokolistan embassy to make them believe there was another threat. Flag asked her to stop, stating that he genuinely knew Rostovic and that they should not convict people for crimes they haven't committed yet, however Waller was willing to save the world at any cost necessary, stating that having sex with her did not mean he knew her, which made Flag uncomfortable, who left the area making his non-involvement clear. When Economos asked what they were going to do, Waller put the Bride of Frankenstein as the new leader.[2]

Visiting Flag Sr.'s Hospital Room[]

Waller discovers a seriously injured Flag

Waller discovers a seriously injured Rick Flag, Sr.

"Come on, Flag. You're gonna make it. We need to know what happened. How does this tie in to everything? Who wanted you dead? You're too old and too tough and too stubborn to give up on me now."
―Amanda Waller to Rick Flag, Sr.[src]

After hearing that Rick Flag, Sr. was found gravely hurt, Waller and Economos hurried to the hospital, arriving just as he was being carried away to recuperate. Waller explained to the nurses that Flag worked for her at A.R.G.U.S. and asked about his condition. The doctor assumed that the monster that had left him on the reception desk was to blame, so they both asked what kind of monster it was. Economos immediately recognized it as Eric Frankenstein when the nurse described it as a humanoid with screws in its skull.

Waller prays for Flag to survive

Waller prays for Rick Flag, Sr. to survive

When they were instructed to wait outside the room, they both concluded that Flag had informed Frankenstein that the Bride was in Pokolistan, motivating him to stop the Creature Commandos, so in order to stop him, Waller ordered Economos to place operatives in all local airports. Once Flag was put into recovery on a respirator, Waller sat in front of him, and as she needed his knowledge of what happened, Waller crossed her arms trying to encourage a comatose Flag to survive and tell her the truth.[3]

Discovering the Truth[]

Economos worried about Circe's lies

Waller and John Economos reunite to raid Aisla MacPherson's house

"Oh, no. We've been set up by that damn witch. We need to stop them from killing the princess, now."
―Amanda Waller to John Economos[src]

While reading a magazine, Waller noticed Rick Flag, Sr. awaken from his coma and gasp for air due to his slurred speech, warning her that she was wrong about Ilana Rostovic, using his dying breaths to utter Aisla MacPherson's name, before passing out again. Bewildered, Waller called John Economos to go to MacPherson's address, and they quickly met up at the MacPherson house's driveway. When she got out of the car she explained what had happened, Economos was concerned that Circe's vision was a lie and they were starting a war for no reason, which upset Waller because she already knew that.

Waller requests backup

Waller desperately calls to abort the mission

Waller then kicked the door open and they both found in horror at Clayface's remains, which alerted her to go upstairs, finding MacPherson's corpse in shock. Waller quickly assumed that Circe lied to them, so she called the Pokolistan Embassy, contacting Guard Sergei to apologize and ask to speak to Bride and the Commandos, who were about to kill her in the water. Waller warned that she had made a mistake, only for a shocked Bride over Nina Mazursky's death to destroy the communicator. Due to Bride's performance in preventing a disaster, Waller eventually ordered Economos to put her in charge of leading a new lineup of Creature Commandos.[4]


This section requires expansion

Amanda Waller is an exceptionally intelligent and resourceful woman, especially in the fields of tactics and political science, not above using questionable and even outright amoral methods to achieve her planned goals.


  • Expert Tactician: To be added


  • Nano-Bomb Remote Detonator: To ensure the compliance of her Task Forces members, as for the Suicide Squad as for the Creature Commandos, Amanda Waller has injected nano-bombs in their necks, controlled with a detonator. Each bomb can be activated individually by tapping on the selected member's headshot on the screen. Regarding Task Force M, the detonator releases a powerful electric blast making fall unconscious the whole team, no matter whose the selected member on the screen.







Appearances for Amanda Waller
In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Amanda Waller is nicknamed the "The Wall" and she is the government handler and overseer of the Suicide Squad, always walking the line between good and evil in her morally questionable actions.

Behind the Scenes[]


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The DC Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Amanda Waller.
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The DC Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Amanda Waller.

External Links[]
