DC Universe Wiki

"Well, glad to have you, G.I.. Glad to have a metal fist in the fight for what's right."
―Billy to G.I. Robot[src]

Billy was the leader of the Hub City National Socialists Club.


Early Life[]

At some point, Billy became the leader of the local National Socialists Club at Hub City.[1]

Murdered by G.I. Robot[]

"Welcome, all, to this meeting of the Hub City National Socialists Club."
Billy about to be killed

Billy pleads G.I. Robot for his life

In the 2000s, Billy received the visit of fellow member Sam Fitzgibbon who introduced him to G.I. Robot, convincing him he could help them in their goals. Billy welcomed the automaton in their organization, believing they would need an "iron fist" in their fight. Shortly after opening the meeting, he witnessed G.I. Robot's rampage, before being killed himself, despite pleading for his life.[1]


Much like the members of the National Socialists Club, Billy's political views are driven by neo-nazi beliefs. He is implied to be opportunistic, as he automatically thinks about the benefits of having someone like G.I. Robot in his organization upon meeting him. In life-threatening situations, he easily becomes fearful and scared; begging for his life when he was about to get shot by G.I.




