DC Universe Wiki

"Sergeant Frank Rock, Bulldozer, Little Sure Shot, Wildman, Canary, Four-Eyes, Bogman? Ring any bells?"
"Yeah, no. I don't know who any of those people are."
G.I. Robot and Will Magnus[src]

Canary was a member of Easy Company during World War II.


World War II[]

Ambush on Easy Company[]

Easy Company

Canary and the Easy Company take a photograph after their triumph

During World War II, Canary enlisted in the United States Army and was placed in Easy Company ley by Sergeant Franklin Rock, where he received his nickname. In 1943, Canary and the team were investigating in a forest, until Little Sure Shot alerted them to the presence of Nazis, so they took cover and began to fight back, however G.I. Robot began slaughtering all the Nazis, saving his teammates and impressing the team, who proceeded to take a picture with him. The Company then went to a bar to celebrate their triumph, where the entire team cheered G.I. on, making him happy. In the following missions, Canary and the Company formed a friendly bond with G.I. before the culmination of the war, going their separate ways.[1]


  • M1 Thompson: Like the rest of his comrades, Canary carried an M1 Thompson during his service in World War II to shoot down enemies.





  • In the comics, Canary is a soldier in Easy Company who's known for whistling melodiously in battle.


External Links[]
