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"What it is to be human if not for love?"
―Eric Frankenstein to Victor Frankenstein[src]

Eric Frankenstein is the Zombified first creation of mad scientist Victor Frankenstein, whom he forced to create a Bride for him, maintaining the belief that the two were destined to be together, though she did not have feelings for him, forming a love affair with Victor instead. In a fit of jealousy, Frankenstein murdered his creator, causing a fire in the mansion and being cured by the peasant Bogdana, with whom he formed a friendship before killing her for refusing to let him go. For the next few years, Frankenstein pursued the Bride until her eventual imprisonment in Belle Reve Correctional Center. Frankenstein then formed an alliance with General Rick Flag, Sr. to help each other save Princess Ilana Rostovic from being killed by the Bride, though Frankenstein's attempts failed.



"I created you in the interest of exploring that infinitesimal space that falls between life and death. I have not yet learned enough from you to justify doing it again."
Victor Frankenstein and Eric Frankenstein[src]

Fascinated by the idea of creating life using scientific methods, Victor Frankenstein worked for years in his boarding house, meticulously assembling a corpse using parts collected from various sources, including cemeteries and slaughterhouses; Frankenstein animated the corpse using electricity, awakening a monstrous creature which he named Eric Frankenstein. Victor then began to conduct research on it, unsure of wanting to do the experiment again.[3]

The Bride's Creation[]

"You failed. You failed. You made her for me. She is to love me!"
―Eric Frankenstein to Victor Frankenstein[src]
Frankenstein threatens his father

Frankenstein threatens his father

In 1831, jealous of his father having a Bride, Eric Frankenstein began to develop a desire to have a zombie Bride like himself, asking Victor to build one for him, and soon contacted the funeral director to deliver some abandoned corpses to him. Once they were ready to perform the experiment again, Victor expressed his concern, upsetting Eric who insisted on wanting a Bride who would love him, but Victor let him know that he had not studied him enough to justify creating another zombie, trying to calm him down, however Eric threatened to kill his wife if he did not create one for him, arguing that it would bring balance.

Eric Frankenstein holding flowers

Frankenstein brings a bouquet of flowers for the Bride

When Eric became even more upset, Victor calmed him down, assuring him that they were already in the process of creation and that he only shared his doubts, stating that this was what humans did, showing him the bodies, Eric then looked with delight at one of the heads which he went to appreciate, crying with happiness as he stated that it was the face of his true love. While Victor worked on putting the pieces together, Eric went to gather a bouquet of flowers to greet his Bride, who then watched as his father used bolts of electricity to animate her and bring her back to life.

Frankenstein scares the Bride

Frankenstein scares the Bride

When the Bride woke up, Eric tried to approach her, but Victor asked him to wait for her to regain consciousness, explaining how unlike human babies, the Bride had been suddenly conceived, without understanding who she was or where she was. Held on the mechanical bed, Victor tried to calm her down, but when Eric excitedly tried to approach her to give her the flowers, however, he made her scream in fright, confusing him. Over time, Victor began to teach the Bride how to speak, showing her objects to which she responded with their names.

Frankenstein hangs Victor Frankenstein

Frankenstein hangs Victor Frankenstein

While Frankenstein listened from a distance, he grew frustrated, believing that teaching her to speak was not important, considering that words were an obstruction to the truth, yet Victor continued to teach her to speak. Once, Eric tried to forcefully approach her by holding her against a wall, but his erratic behavior scared her, causing Victor to intervene to stop him and make him see reason, however, he became angry and choked his father and slammed him against the bed, leaving the room in tears.[3]

Killing his Creator[]

"I did what I had to do. Don't you understand? He and his wretched giggling and his horrid gift-giving powers were the only obstacles to our love. Now we can be together."
―Eric Frankenstein to the Bride[src]
Frankenstein discovers his father having sex with the Bride

Frankenstein discovers his father having sex with the Bride

Over time, the Bride and Victor began to develop feelings for each other, which caused Eric to begin to feel for his father, until one night, Eric discovered his father having sex with the Bride, which destroyed his heart and unleashed tears. When the Bride was distracted going to get lemons for him, Eric slaughtered Victor with all his hatred, slamming him against the metal bed until he died, considering him an obstacle in love with his Bride.

Frankenstein is thrown into the fire by the Bride

Frankenstein is thrown into the fire by the Bride

When she returned, she was horrified to see how Victor had been dismembered, to which Eric explained how it was an obstacle in their relationship and that they could finally be together, however, the Bride hit Eric in the face and with all her fury, tried to strangle him while the place caught fire when a candle fell, Frankenstein tried to resist but was kicked into the fire by the Bride, burning with pain while the Bride escaped in tears.[3]

Meeting Bogdana[]

Frankenstein is found on the banks of the river by Bogdana and Ivan

Frankenstein is found on the riverbank by Bogdana and Ivan

"Please, Eric. Don't leave. I don't want to be alone."
"I would never let you be alone, Bogdana."
Bogdana and Eric Frankenstein[src]

Frankenstein escaped from Frankenstein Manor as it lay dying in flames, jumping into the river to put out the fire, before passing out and floating down the river, colliding with several rocks in the process until he fell over a waterfall. Frankenstein continued to float until he collided with a rock and was left helpless on the river's shores. At dawn, a dog named Ivan found Frankenstein passed out on the riverbank, sniffing and barking to get the attention of his owner Bogdana. The woman rubbed his head with her hand and noticed that he had signs of life, so she ordered Ivan to bite his coat to take him back to the cabin.

Frankenstein wakes up meeting Bogdana

Frankenstein wakes up meeting Bogdana

At night, Bogdana placed the dying Frankenstein in bed to heal his wounds with ointments, until he woke up by grabbing her arm and asking her what was wrong, causing Ivan to wake up to bark intimidatingly at him, until Bogdana ordered him to stop. Bogdana told him that they found him burned, and that she was healing him with an ointment that possessed ancient healing properties, which Frankenstein thought was witchcraft, making her laugh, letting her to continue healing him. Over time, Frankenstein began to heal himself using bandages and a crutch.

Frankenstein learns about beauty

Frankenstein learns about beauty

One morning, Frankenstein came out of the cabin to see Bogdana pulling crops, with her rejoicing that his mobility was improving. Frankenstein then picked an apple from the tree to eat, while reproaching Bogdana for not looking at him when he spoke, considering it disrespectful, however Bogdana told him she was blind, and upon hearing that, Frankenstein stated that the world offered nothing but beauty and that if he went blind he would kill himself because it was the beauty of his Bride that kept him wanting to live, cutting an apple for Ivan to eat. Bogdana then asked him to close his eyes so he could imagine the beauty of his Bride, showing him that he did not need to be psychic to find beauty.

Frankenstein pets Ivan while talking to Bogdana

Frankenstein pets Ivan while talking to Bogdana

One day, Frankenstein went hunting for a turkey with a shotgun, being accompanied by Ivan who helped him by staying quiet, and upon returning to the barn with Bogdana, Frankenstein ordered her to clean the turkey, with Bogdana telling him that he did not need to be so bossy. Frankenstein then sat in a tree and expressed that he had a talent with a shotgun because he barely had to think when shooting, acknowledging that Ivan helped him by staying quiet, petting him. Frankenstein then thanked Bogdana for healing him and giving him a place to recover, but Bogdana told him that he was in home, stating that she and Ivan had become happier since Frankenstein came into their lives, with Frankenstein ironically saying that he still had the shotgun when she called him a curmudgeon, making her laugh.

Frankenstein decides to leave Bogdana

Frankenstein decides to leave Bogdana

Despite being loved by Bogdana and Ivan, Frankenstein wanted return with his Bride as he considered their sole purpose to be together. One night, Frankenstein locked the door of the cabin and left Ivan outside to talk to Bogdana alone about his departure, packing a turkey into a bag as he listened to Bogdana crying and pleading with him not to. Despite Bogdana stating that Bride did not love him after she tried to kill him, he only saw it as a form of flirtation. Bogdana asked him why he left Ivan outside, so Frankenstein told her that he was afraid he would not understand, without her knowing what he was talking about, begging him not to leave her alone, but he killed her by hitting her on the head with a pot. At dawn, Frankenstein left the cabin and whistled for Ivan to come with him, and Ivan followed him into the woods.[4]

Stalking The Bride[]

Chase of the Bride of Frankenstein[]

"He's been stalking the Bride for centuries."
John Economos[src]
Eric and Bride in 1852

Frankenstein stalks the Bride in 1852

The Bride was stalked for by Frankenstein many years after fleeing from her birthplace, encountering each other many times. In 1852, Frankenstein found The Bride at a market stall, working a fishmonger and tried to give her a flower. She slapped him with a fish, leading to a fight. In 1880, Frankenstein found the bride in a western bar. She shot him and fled from him on horseback. In 1895, Frankenstein found the bride in a desert, chasing her on horseback. She abruptly stopped her horse to spook his, which bucked, throwing him off.

Eric and Bride in 1944

Frankenstein fights with the Bride during World War II

In 1912, they fought with knives underwater in diving suits, She stabbed his helmet, blood and air leaking out. In 1923, Frankenstein tried to kiss the bride while she was on a stage in a flapper outfit. She headbutted him, flipped away, then kicked him into the air. In 1941, Frankenstein joined the Wehrmacht and he and the Bride fought each in the battlefield of the Western Front. They dropped their weapons to fight with fists. In 1964, The Bride and Frankenstein fought atop a bus, causing it to crash. In 1991, The Bride was performing on a stage. She hit Frankenstein with an electric guitar as he approached the stage.[3] The Bride was eventually arrested, cutting off Frankenstein's access to her.[1]

The Bride's Return[]

Eric in a hawaiian shirt (2)

Frankenstein gets excited to hear about the Bride

"My Bride. After all these years, I've found you."
―Eric Frankenstein[src]

By 2023, Eric Frankenstein was in a luxury yacht with prostitutes. One afternoon while relaxing on his yacht, Frankenstein was called by a woman from Pokolistan in his contacts, when Frankenstein asked her the reason for the call, the woman informed him that she had seen the Bride enter the Frankenstein Manor, exciting Frankenstein, who cried with happiness at having found her after many years.[1]

Attack on the Military Helicopter Pilots[]

Frankenstein spies the Bride

Frankenstein spies the Bride

"She loves him. She loves his handsome, stupid face. A bearded face. Able to grow hair."
―Eric Frankenstein[src]

When Task Force M returned from their mission from Pokolistan to Belle Reve, Eric Frankenstein boarded a helicopter where he watched the prison from a distance for signs of the Bride, seeing her land in an Osprey through his binoculars. Frankenstein was struck by the Bride's conversation with the team's leader, wondering who he was, and his henchman, upon seeing him, said that he was Rick Flag, Sr. and that they had fought together in Jarhanpur. Frankenstein began to envy Flag as he got the idea that the Bride was in love with him because of his bearded face that could grow hair.

Chasing Squirrels Official Still 2

Frankenstein gets off the helicopter in search of Rick Flag, Sr.

The henchman suggested that they land before they were seen, but Frankenstein thought she was judging him for his appearance and inability to grow hair, grabbing him by the neck to strangle him, threatening the pilot not to interfere as he became frightened. Frankenstein soon began to strangle the pilot, destabilizing the helicopter until it crashed to the ground, snapping a neck to kill him and pulling a pen out of his shirt. Frankenstein got out of the helicopter and wrote down the name "Rick Flag" so he wouldn't forget it.[5]

Attack on Rick Flag, Sr.[]

Frankenstein attacks 2

Frankenstein attacks Rick Flag, Sr.

"Listen to me. The Bride and I have nothing going on between us. She's not my type. And I'm not hers. Okay?"
"She's everyone's type! And so are you."
Rick Flag, Sr. and Eric Frankenstein[src]

Frankenstein followed Rick Flag Sr. closely as he left Belle Reve and drove back to his house, when Flag went to look for his keys, Frankenstein surprised him by crashing into a tree, quickly getting out of the car to run towards him, pushing him to smash the door, confusing Flag who did not understand why he was attacking him. Frankenstein however grabbed Flag and slammed him into the wall, throwing him against the glass with his trophies. Flag got up and started shooting at Frankenstein, making him scream in anger, who grabbed his arm, but Flag managed to kick him in the balls and shot him until he ran out of bullets.

Rick Flag points a gun at Eric Frankenstein

Frankenstein is threatened with a gun by Rick Flag, Sr.

Frankenstein then slammed him against a table and threw him into a door, but Flag managed to get up, reload his gun and climb onto his back in an awkward position, pointing a gun at his head and threatening to stop him. Frankenstein began to throw a tantrum, but Flag reprimanded him for attacking him for no reason, making Frankenstein laugh, who quickly began to cry assuring Flag that she did not love him, confusing Flag who thought he was talking about the princess, but when he realized he was talking about the Bride, Flag assured him that they were not in love. Frankenstein continued to cry when Flag asked him to calm down so he could talk, letting him get off his back, Flag then asked him if he wanted something to drink, and Frankenstein asked for tea.[5]

Befriending Flag[]

Eric Frankenstein and Rick Flag Sr drinking

Frankenstein talks with Rick Flag, Sr.

"So, maybe, we can help each other."
"Best friends."
Rick Flag, Sr. and Eric Frankenstein[src]

While making tea, Flag told Frankenstein how he met the Princess Ilana Rostovic and how she was in danger, which Frankenstein found it as a beautiful story and compared Flag to Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic, calling him the king of the world. Frankenstein said his love for the Bride was more like to When Harry Met Sally... because they both knew they were meant to be together and had an orgasm at the restaurant scene. However, Flag reassured him that this didn't occur in the film. Frankenstein was pleased when Flag offered to assist him, making Frankenstein happy, who came to see him as his best friend.[5]

Frankenstein-rick-flag-sr- CC105

Frankenstein and Rick Flag, Sr. spy on Aisla MacPherson's class

Frankenstein and Flag began spying on Aisla MacPherson's lecture from a window in a bush at Terrebone University, becoming perplexed by the doctor's unpredictable behavior, which they considered unprofessional, until some students walking through the courtyard caught them making them uncomfortable so Frankenstein pretended to have misplaced his contact lens, embarrassing Flag. When Frankenstein inquired about how this would help him get back together with Bride, Flag said that it was a helpful trade. However, Frankenstein was annoyed that it was taking too long, and Flag assured him that Bride would view Frankenstein as a hero if they found out about MacPherson and stopped her.

Excited frankenstein

Frankenstein gets excited about the idea of killing the professor

Frankenstein got excited suggesting Flag kill the teacher and the students, which upset Flag who denied it, asking why they would do it and Frankenstein thought it was being a hero, but Flag told him no, asking him to help him infiltrate the teacher's house to look for evidence while she was teaching, Frankenstein then mentioned that he would go look for underwear, disappointing Flag. Frankenstein began to drink a smoothie, scaring the students with his appearance, while Flag tried to call the Pokolistan guards again to speak with Ilana Rostovic.[4]

Infiltration into Aisla MacPherson's House[]

Frankenstein becomes shocked to see a woman walking a cat

Frankenstein becomes shocked to see a woman walking a cat

"It's her, the professor. It's MacPherson."
"But we just saw her."
Rick Flag, Sr. and Eric Frankenstein[src]

Frankenstein and Flag drove to Dr. Aisla MacPherson's house, when getting out Frankenstein saw a woman walking a cat, wondering why people had cats as pets while Flag tried to pick the lock with a metal key until he managed to open it, infiltrating the house where they saw several relics. When Flag went to look up, Frankenstein stayed down looking curiously at the relics, marveling at the cat playing with a leash and seeing himself in the reflection of a helmet.

Flag and Eric Frankenstein discover the real Aisla MacPherson

Frankenstein and Rick Flag, Sr. discover the real Aisla MacPherson

Frankenstein was called back by Flag who found the real MacPherson murdered in a chair, assuming the MacPherson they saw at the college was an impostor working for Circe in a plot to kill the princess. Flag then proceeded to call Ilana Rostovic urgently asking her to leave the castle because the Creature Commandos were on their way to kill her. Frankenstein however began to interrupt Flag on the call demanding that she tell Rostovic about him as a hero, angering Flag who asked him to shut up.

Frankenstein reluctantly hides behind a birdcage

Frankenstein reluctantly hides behind a birdcage

Flag just asked her to leave the castle, before being forced to hang up when he saw the impostor returning through the window, and Frankenstein then berated Flag for not telling Rostovic that he was his best friend and that Bride would see him as a different person, but Flag asked him to keep quiet as he hid between two pieces of furniture, reminding him that Bride was attempting to kill the princess, causing Frankenstein to doubt the efficacy of the plan. Flag, however, demanded that Frankenstein hide, and was annoyed when he simply placed himself behind a birdcage, and he ordered him to hide behind the bed.

Clayface-rick-flag-sr-frankenstein CC105

Frankenstein and Rick Flag, Sr. carefully descend the stairs

As they had to leave the house without being noticed, Flag and Frankenstein carefully descended the stairs and saw the MacPherson impostor feed the cat before playing Mortal Kombat 1, changing back into its natural form and revealing it to be the shape-shifting metahuman Clayface. When Flag was about to open the door, Frankenstein saw that Clayface had grabbed his legs with his outstretched limbs, boasting that he had found them. As Clayface had begun to brutally beat Flag, Frankenstein broke free of the limbs holding him, running to attack Clayface and allowing Flag to shoot at the creature, which was in vain as it regenerated, swallowing Frankenstein into its body.

Frankenstein-clayface CC105

Frankenstein tries to break free from Clayface

Clayface continued to beat Flag until he broke his back over his leg, causing him deep pain and knocking him out, but Frankenstein made all his efforts to free himself from Clayface as he tried to stop him by inducing him back into his body, until he managed to hit an electrical outlet to grab a wire with which he electrocuted the creature, making it explode. As Flag began to agonize, Frankenstein held him in his arms, asking him if the Bride had ever mentioned him during the mission, spitting out blood which he took as a yes, Frankenstein then asked him if the Bride had meant it fondly, growing concerned when he did not respond, and with his dying breaths, Flag asked Frankenstein to tell the Bride the truth, before falling unconscious.[4]

Trip to Pokolistan[]

Frankenstein after killing a businessman

Frankenstein scares co-pilot after murdering his flight attendants

"Home sweet home.[6]"
―Eric Frankenstein[src]

As Flag was left with serious internal damage, Frankenstein took him to the front door of a hospital, escaping on the spot. Committed to following Flag's mission in order to win his Bride, Frankenstein bought a jet ride to Pokolistan, and when they were about to sail into the night, he murdered two valets, killing the second by grabbing him and tearing his head off with his hand, scaring the co-pilot who came to see. Frankenstein psychotically told the co-pilot his intentions in Pokolistan to stop the Bride from making a tragic mistake after asking him if he believed in love.

Frankenstein lands at Pokolistan Airport

Frankenstein lands at Pokolistan Airport

Frankenstein explained that his Bride was being manipulated by malevolent forces who wanted her to kill the wrong person, intimidatingly threatening the pilot to turn around and not interfere with his plans. An overwhelmed co-pilot returned to the cockpit and the jet took off for Pokolistan, and in the morning they arrived at their destination, with Frankenstein paying large sums of cash to the co-pilot and landing at the airport, citing in Pokolistani his satisfaction at being back home.[7]

Frankenstein talks to Ivan about his Bride

Frankenstein talks to Ivan about his Bride

On the way to Poko Castle, Frankenstein spoke to his taxi driver Ivan about the Bride, stating that she belonged to him and admiring her beauty, as he was sure that if he stopped her from killing Rick Flag, Sr.'s lover Princess Ilana Rostovic, the Bride would fall in love with him, hoping that their romantic comedy would turn into pornography, before asking a frightened Ivan how much longer it was to get to the castle, to which he stated not much. Upon arriving at the castle, Frankenstein got out and greeted Ivan, then watched in delight as his Bride slaughtered a guard from a tower.

Frankenstein finds his Bride

Frankenstein surprises Bride

Frankenstein began to climb the wall of the tower where Task Force M was infiltrated, yelling at Bride as he walked through the window to get her attention, only to end up alerting the Amethyst Knights and having her shoot him, knocking him to the ground. Frankenstein began to bleed and when he saw Bride coming down, he used his breath to pronounce Rick Flag, Sr.'s name, trying to warn her, but she refused to listen to him and shot him in the head, making him faint.[8]

CCS1E07 Post Credits Scene

Frankenstein expresses being stunned by Bride's overreaction

After his encounter with Bride at Poko Castle, Frankenstein's wounds were healed by the old woman in his contacts, with whom he had soup in her cabin while telling her he was stunned by the Bride's overreaction to trying to kill him, further convincing himself of their purpose to be together, before learning that he was eating sparrow dropping soup.[9]


"Our sole purpose is to be together."
"She tried to kill you. She does not love you."
―Eric Frankenstein and Bogdana[src]

Eric Frankenstein can probably best be described as having no true grasp of right or wrong, nor true understanding of boundaries or consequences actions can cause. Despite his monstrous appearance, Eric has been shown to be intelligent, articulate and genuinely desires love. However, the denial of said love combined with his fragile mental state causes him to react with violence. Eric can also be described as being a child within a monster's body. He has childish tendencies like entitlement and not taking no for an answer, which he takes to the extreme, given his century long pursuit of the Bride. Despite his monstrous form and immaturity, Eric has apparently had no problems keeping up with changing times, nor assimilating with society of any kinds even the high class ones. This has also enabled him to mingle in people of any kinds and even be able to enlist in the army, showing Eric has a sense of duty. Eric has incredible determination, however it is greatly misguided. His love for the Bride is genuine, as aside him feeling she was made for him, he greatly admires her strength, determination and character, but he will defend himself from her. Eric was genuinely grateful to Bodgana over her nurturing and helping him recover, yet his single-minded obsession with the Bride made him and ignore Bodgana's pleas for him to stay, and did not hesitate to kill her so she "wouldn't be left alone".

Despite being over 200 years old and being in the high society for centuries, Eric continues to behave like a child in modern times but at the same time still be able to behave sophisticated at the same time. He is quick to anger over minor inconveniences and throws temper tantrums when things don't go his way. Eric's understanding of love comes mostly from watching romantic movies, which he frequently quotes and continues to compare his relationship with Bride to those movies. Eric did sympathize with Rick Flag Sr. and agree to work with him, though by his own admission, mostly for the promise that Flag would help him see Bride again. After defeating Clayface, Eric did show concern over Flag's critical injuries.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Zombie Physiology: Frankenstein is made of several different body parts surgically sewn together, as well as various electrical equipment and life support technology. Due to his unique physiology, Frankenstein possesses prominent paranormal capabilities and attributes.
    • Superhuman Strength: Frankenstein has advanced strength greater than ordinary humans, manhandling and dispatching Victor Frankenstein with minimal effort, swiftly overpowering and pinning Rick Flag, Sr. against a wall with enough force to indent it, and equaling the strength of the Bride during their fights but losing several of them. Therefore, he can fight and withstand the Bride's numerous dangerous blows.
    • Superhuman Durability: Frankenstein possesses advanced degrees of durability. In his fight against Rick Flag, Sr., he proved to be impervious to bullets but as pointed out by Flag, his eyes would still be vulnerable.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Frankenstein's undead physiology allows him to exercise at his maximum capacity for an extremely long period of time without tiring. Eric has also proven to be resistant to electricity, as when he grabs onto the wiring in a wall, he allows himself to be electrocuted so that the electrical current can affect Clayface while he remains intact.
    • Immortality: Frankenstein is effectively immortal, not aging since his creation, as he is much older than his female counterpart, The Bride.


  • Skilled Combatant: Frankenstein is a dangerous combatant with his superhuman attributes along with centuries of combat and military experience, matching the Bride throughout their historical fights but losing many of them, and fighting Rick Flag, Sr to a standstill by exploiting his superior strength.
  • Bilinguism: Eric Frankenstein is fluent in both Pokolistani and English.



To be added






Appearances for Eric Frankenstein
In chronological order:


Behind the Scenes[]

  • The animators gave Eric Frankenstein more complex emotions and a softer silhouette to better reflect David Harbour's performance.[10]
  • Harbour described Eric Frankenstein as a "very colorful" character. [11]
  • While developing Eric Frankenstein, James Gunn adapted some elements from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, such as his "lumbering and grunting". Gunn also found Eric to be well-spoken and intellectual, while still being driven by his rage, anger, inability to be truly human, and not being loved by the one he loves.[12]
  • Before making his debut in DC as Eric Frankenstein, David Harbour played Dr. Frankenstein in the play Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein, a 2019 surreal comedy mockumentary short film.
  • The subtitles in the first flashback of The Iron Pot mistakenly refer to Frankenstein as "Victor."
  • It is unknown how he managed to get into the Wehrmacht in the first place, judging from his hideous appearance. It is possible that he let the Nazis experimented on him to create undead soldiers like him as part of the deal for him to join.


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The DC Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Eric Frankenstein.
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The DC Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Eric Frankenstein.

External Links[]
