DC Universe Wiki

"Me and Easy been through this more than a few times. Just follow our lead."
―Franklin Rock to G.I. Robot[src]

Sergeant Franklin John Rock is an officer in the U.S. Army during World War II.


World War II[]

Ambush on Easy Company[]

Rock senses the presence of Nazis

Rock fights against the Nazis

"Sergeant, get down!"
"Hit the dirt!"
G.I. Robot and Franklin Rock[src]

At the start of World War II, Franklin Rock enlisted in the United States Armed Forces, rising to the rank of Sergeant and being tasked with leading Easy Company. In 1943, Rock and the company were investigating in a forest, being accompanied by the newly manufactured G.I. Robot, whom they nicknamed "Tin Man". As they walked, Rock tasked G.I. to follow his lead during their expedition, mentioning that German forces would not be far away, however upon hearing a noise, Rock asked Little Sure Shot if he saw anything, then alerted the team that the Nazi Party was hiding in the bushes who began firing at them, so Rock called for a retreat.

Easy Company

Rock and the Easy Company take a photograph after their triumph

Rock began shooting at the Nazis behind the trees until he took cover to reload his gun, but then spotted G.I. extending his legs and drawing guns from his arms, he told the sergeant to get on the ground, and Rock ordered the team to crouch, and G.I. began firing, slaughtering the Nazis. After the battle, Rock expressed his amazement at G.I. Robot and the group gathered to take celebratory photos with the robot, sharing a moment of happiness. Rock and Easy Company then headed to a bar to celebrate their triumph, praising G.I. for his great skills, naming him a brother to all the Company's soldiers. In the following battles, Rock and Company formed a friendly bond with G.I. before the culmination of the war, going their separate ways.[1]


  • Expert Tactician: Rock is an overly effective combat fighter, due to his military background in the United States Armed Forces, Rock was sent to lead Easy Company offshoot team.
  • Master Combatant: Rock is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant due to his military experience, which he demonstrated during his service in World War II leading Easy Company.


  • Rock fights against the Nazis

    Rock uses a M1 Thompson against the Nazis

    M1 Thompson: While serving the U.S. Army during World War II, Sgt. Rock's main weapon of choice was M1 Thompson he mostly to gun down enemy troops.






External Links[]
