- "Damn, Tin Man, I've never seen anything like that!"
"I don't give a hoot if he's metal, he's forever a brother of every man in Easy Company. Cheers to the Tin Man!" - ―Little Sure Shot and Bulldozer[src]
Louis Kiyahani, also known as Little Sure Shot, was a Native American member of Easy Company during World War II.
World War II[]
Ambush on Easy Company[]

Kiyahani and the Easy Company take a photograph after their triumph
- "Sergeant, get out of there! Now!"
- ―Little Sure Shot to Franklin Rock[src]
In World War II, Louis Kiyahani enlisted in the United States Army, where he was placed in Easy Company, under the leadership of Sergeant Franklin Rock, and began to be nicknamed "Little Sure Shot" by his fellow soldiers. In 1943, when Easy Company went on an investigation into a forest, Sure Shot was placed on high ground to keep watch for enemy presence, where he soon alerted Rock to the presence of Nazis, causing an ambush, however the new recruit G.I. Robot shot all the Nazis, saving his fellow soldiers, who were impressed and stopped to take celebratory photos with the robot, having fun playing instruments with him.

Kiyahani and the Easy Company cheer for G.I. Robot
After the fight, Easy Company went to a bar to celebrate their triumph, where Sure Shot praised G.I. for his extraordinary skills, and Bulldozer celebrated by stating that he will always be a brother to the Company, where the entire team cheered him on, making him happy. In the next few missions, Sure Shot and the Company formed a friendly bond with G.I. before the culmination of the war, going their separate ways.[1]
- Expert Marksman: Louis is an excellent sniper, earning him the nickname "Sure Little Shot" by Easy Company due to his skill. In an ambush with the team, Sure Shot detected the presence of Nazis, alerting the team to take cover and counterattack.
- M1 Garand: Due to his extraordinary sniper skills, Sure Shot carried an M1 Garand during his World War II service, with which he was able to alert the Easy Company to a Nazi ambush on one occasion.
Enemies[] |
- In the comics, Louis Kiyahani is a member of the World War II military unit known as Easy Company. He earned the nickname Little Sure Shot for being the sniper of the Easy Company. An Apache, he is known for always decorating his helmet with feathers.